Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Record Heat Wave

The temperature is approaching 100 and beyond today in the seattle area. Most people here don't know what to do in these temps. Fortunately, we have a heat pump, and the heat pump works in reverse in the summer and sucks the heat out of your house. I plan on turning it on this morning. It was pretty warm in the house last night and we couldn't sleep. I don't want to go through that again.

I'm working on posting more earring designs on Etsy. I hope to have a bunch on by tomorrow. It seems that my best posting time for views is in the morning, and I've exceeded my morning computing time just messing with photos from our trip. I'll get those posted this evening.

I went out early for a walk today. I have to remind myself to empty my shoes. We've got some big spiders around here. What I saw looking back at me from my shoe was quite a surprise. There were two cute little eyes staring back at me, eyes from a green tree frog. If I didn't look, the poor little bugger would have been squashed. And, my neighbor would have gotten a freight. I screeched a little when I saw him, but it would have been a lot worse if I squished him!

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