Thursday, August 6, 2009

More Loot...

I got a new lot of beads for beadin. I can't wait - but wait, I must. The ball-end headpins have not arrived yet. It figures that all the cool beads arrived before the findings. The designs I have in my head require different findings than what I currently have on hand. Oh bother!!!!

I'm making a trip to NH to visit the family and hoping my Dad can teach my how to make ball-end headpins. They are so darned expensive that I want to conquer the making of them. It's been so many years since I've picked up an acetyline torch. It probably won't be that hard, but I need my Dad to hold my hand through it. He has all the cool tools. My torch is micro-mini. It's so old it probably doesn't have any acetyline in it anymore. Dad, I hope you're up for the challenge!

Tonight, I think I'll look for how-to instructions...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are you going? How's about Christmas in TX?