Thursday, August 20, 2009

Etching and Stamping

This morning Mom and I went out by the pool, in the screen house, and played with rubber stamps and etching solution (just me). I etched a piece of brass sheet stock and stamped it with a cool vintage handwriting stamp. Later, I'll put a couple of pieces in the etching solution and let them sit for a few hours. I'm experimenting with all kinds of metal techniques to make my jewelry one-of-a-kind. I feel like anybody can put a few beads together on a earwire and make earrings. I want my earrings and necklaces to be unique pieces of me - something you'll want to keep for a long time - maybe even forever.

We are going to the hairdresser to get Mom's hair cut like mine, then to Curves to meet her co-workers and then to the local antique shop for more goodies. Yesterday's trip to the antique shop in Amesbury was a wash. They only had furniture. Too bad!!!!!!

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